Welcome to ESL 2 at Blackford

Campbell Adult and Community Education

Teacher: Toshiko Sasaki
Phone: 408-626-3402 Extension 4599
Class Days and Times: Monday - Thursday   9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
 Mondays and Tuesdays: Class on campus  Blackford Learning Center Room 2 
 Wednesdays and Thursdays: Class online   Zoom link
Course Description: 
Practice all 4 skills (Listening Speaking, Reading, Writing) of the language for everyday needs.  Learn to talk about past events, current habits, on-going actions and future plans.  You and Teacher will check your progress with class participation, interviews and tests.

What to bring to class every day:

1Bring a 3 hole binder, filler paper, colored pen, pencils and eraser.      A  notebook (College rules or Wide rules)        or a binder (See the picture)
2.      2 - 3 pencils or a pen and an eraser
3.      A colored pen
4.   A computer with Internet Connection 

Attendance Policy:

  • Attend class every day (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday)
  •           Email Teacher at [email protected], speak to her in class, call her at 408-626-3402 Ext. 4599 or if  you need to be absent.  Tell the teacher the reasons before you miss school. 
  •      When you (your family members) are sick, stay home.
  • If you are sick (you have a cough, fever, no taste or smell, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing), STAY HOME and CALL THE SCHOOL.
  •  If you have fatigue, muscle aches, headache, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea AND you cannot explain the symptoms by another reason, STAY HOME and CALL THE SCHOOL.
  • If you had close contact with a person with COVID, STAY HOME and CALL THE SCHOOL.
  •      Blackford office: 408-626-3402, press 2
  •      Everyone enrolled in ESL class needs to take a pair of CASAS tests and pass EL Civics units to show  progress.


Expectations in learning English at CACE

1.    Speaking another language is just like learning new dance steps.  Train your speech muscle by repeating and saying often until you feel comfortable and automatic. 

2.     Use English to communicate with your classmates.  Try out new words, phrases, and expressions.   

3.   Ask at least one question a day!  You will remember the question and answer better because you think about it and say it more.

4.     Make English speaking friends at work, in your neighborhood, or join a parent group and children's school community.

5.     Take a few minutes every day to think in English - Watch this video to learn how to think in English!

6.    Review your notes and classwork after class or during the weekend.